If we didn’t already know it…

Further proof that Rick Perry is completely fucking insane.


this was the complete e-mail sent to me by my friend, who happens to be a moderate democrat. if he's sending me stuff like that about any republican, you know this guy has no shot.

so me being the open liberal i am, responded:

if you will allow me a point-by-point rebuttal:
1. yes, they are. it's called an IMPEACHMENT hearing. petition your representative to get articles of impeachment against judges who are performing bad behavior. let's start with 3 on the scotus bench right now- thomas, roberts, and alito.
2. congress should ignore all laws scotus says are unconstitutional. scotus does not have the power to rule any law unconstitutional. and also using this logic i would most likely have nothing higher than a middle school education because of segregationist laws.
3. of course he hates the federal income tax. federal income helps poor people by providing education, pell grants, and programs that feed people and keep them safe and healthy. can't have the pleibs improving themselves.
4. senators were appointed by state legislators and governors. ie. RICH PEOPLE. rich people who are not held responsible to the common people (hey wait, didn't he just complain about judges not being held accountable to the people? my head hurts…)
5. in a balanced budget incomes must equal expenditures. so that means the government can predict the future? there will be no terr-uh-ist attacts in a given year? no natural disasters? no unnatural disasters? no worthwhile innovations? balanced budget amendments also preclude the government saving. most states which have a bba balance their budgets by taking from pension funds or education or infrastructure improvements and pay off debts and shred the social services net.
6. why? to protect marriage? you can protect marriage by passing a constitutional amendment banning DIVORCE in all 50 states. besides such an amendment violates the equal protection clause in the constitution. can one part of the constitution contradict itself? how would a judge rule on that? one could rule based on the 14th amendment and another on this proposed amendment. in the meantime, don't like gay marriage, don't want gay marriage, DON'T GET A GAY MARRIAGE.
7. abortions should be illegal even when the conception was made because of rape or incest. pro life, right? so let's make sure everyone can afford to go to the doctor, and provide food and shelter for those in need, and end pointless wars of conquest and…oh wait. those are also anti business propositions as well. never mind. well let's promote sex education and provide birth cont…oh wait. teenagers don't need to know about sex until they get married. abstinence is key. just ask sarah palin, 2 time grandmother out of wedlock.

i did that point by point cold stopping at each bullet point and not reading the article straight through once with the busch series failing at montreal on in front of me. (note: the race was hilarious. it's just proof that busch/nationwide series cars and flat roadcourses with hairpin turns at both ends of the track don't mix.)

people have said perry is just like bush, except less charming and less intelligent.
bush was charming and intelligent?

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