media gets their scalp, weiner resigns

anthony weiner resigned today. he shouldn't have, at least for reasons the media blasted at the american people today, and yesterday, and everyday for the last few weeks.

i think it is a sad, rather pathetic commentary on the media in this country. consider:

in 1998 democratic president bill clinton lied about getting a blow job in the oval office. he was later impeached. the charges of impeachment were led by one newt gingrich, the republican speaker of the house who at the end of the days the trial was going on was having an affair with current mrs. gingrich no. 3 while still married to mrs. gingrich no. 2.

in 2002 republican president george w. bush lied about there being yellow cake uranium in iraq, as well as there being weapons of mass destruction in that country. it has been 10 years since that time period where we still have a military presence in iraq. the democratic party came into power in 2006. impeachment was taken off the table. no investigations were made into the actions of the bush administration during the conflict in the multiple theatres of the middle east where billions of dollars were wasted and our soldiers were killed due to embarrassingly poor construction of soldiers barracks and embarassingly poor equipment given to our soldiers, and embarassingly poor quality food and water.

republican senators david vitter (la) and john ensign (nv), both proclaimed fambly val-uuz republicans, each had real life illegal sex scandals, vitter who hired a prositiute (while married) and ensign blackmailed the wife of a staffer and had his (ensign) parents pay her off. vitter was re-elected to the senate. ensign has just resigned within the last 2 months. no not because he disgraced himsef, but so the senate ethics committee reports on his actions would not be revealed, and the senate would not remove him from his office.

the one thing to note: without exception, the media hounded the disgraced democrats for their actions, actions which harmed no one and were not illegal. scandalous yes. against the law, no. but the media seemed to let the issues surrounding the republicans skate with very little mention and barely covered.

i ask the question again: WHAT LIBERAL MEDIA?

oh by the way, the media decided to blow up coverage of a press conference (or rather a lightly covered, barely reported on gathering in front of those with press credentials, microphones, and a camera, all one of those people) of nancy pelosi excoriating john boehner and the house republicans for not focusing on jobs creation in order to cover the non-story that was the anthony weiner resignation press conference.

this country is run by morAns who elect morAns and are told by the morAns in the media that jobs don't deserve coverage but a not-even-sex scandal needs wall-to-wall coverage.

my country sucks.

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