republicans are strong on terror and national security

…so much so that they have caved to their nra masters and refuse to close a loophole in current law that allows for anyone to go to a gun show and purchase weapons. as long as the cash is good, anyone, even those with mental illness diagnosed or otherwise, can go to a gun show, purchase a large number of weapons and there would be no questions asked. anyone. including the terrorists. even the foreign ones. one member of al qaida (american by birth) even said as much:

Muslims in the West have to remember that they are perfectly placed to play an important and decisive part in the jihad against the Zionists and crusaders and to do major damage to the enemies of Islam, waging war on their religion, sacred places and things and brethren.
This is a golden opportunity and a blessing from, Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, and a way to show one’s appreciation and thanks for this blessing is to rush to discharge one’s duty to his ummah and fight on its behalf with everything at his desposal. And in the West, you’ve got a lot at your disposal. Let’s take America as an example.
America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?

so according to the republicans, we don't need better regulations of our food, air, and drinking water, we don't need to improve our infrastructure, we don't need to make a serious investment into alternative renewable energy, but we do need to let people buy their semi-automatics, and large calibre round firearms (including those that are powerful enough to pierce the body armor of our police forces), and we need to make sure that wars in iraq, pakistan, and afghanistan continue. because we all know that our fighting, occupying and killing innocent civilians in places where they already don't like us creating more terrorists to fight keeps us safe.

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