taxes: we need to raise them. for EVERYBODY.

Why hasn't anyone even considered RAISING taxes? According to the financial newspaper of record to the world, the London Financial Times, the country can afford from top to bottom a 5% raise in taxes. All of this cutting leaves the country in worse position when we can't pay to improve ourselves through infrastructure or preventative health care. And why are we cutting the things that protect the least among us anyway? That's un-Christian for an alleged Christian Nation. I know we should at least do that, and I am an open un-apologetic baby eating atheist.

People forget that Bill Clinton raised taxes and he managed to balance a budget and leave a surplus when he left office. Something that makes you think, eh? One president raises taxes and the people prosper and the economy booms and he has a surplus. Another president cuts taxes and we get plunged into one of the worst depressions in history with deficits the human mind struggles to contemplate. I really fail to understand why people hate paying taxes when they get the benefits of those taxes back in investments in the country and community. I especially fail to see why these same people advocate multinational small businesses being allowed to pay less in taxes than they do when they buy a cheeseburger and get several billion dollars back in tax giveaways. Or for hedge fund managers who pay at most 15% of the first $150,000 or so (that number could be wrong) in taxes and nothing else afterwards. Or for other people to pay no tax on dividends, which is their only income.

The state and country do have a tax problem. We aren't paying enough of it. And this is from someone who made before taxes less than $16,000. The country isn't broke. The country has most of its cash locked up into 400 families who don't spend that money on anything and still want more money. And the sad part is they are using idiots, fools, and political opportunists to work against the interests of these same idiots, fools, and political opportunists.

And David Williams (err- Burkesville, KY Senate Majority leader who hasn't met a tax cut he doesn't like or program he wants to cut except those that benefit him or the nonexistant rich people in his district or very poor state for that matter) is all three.

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