reason 48375 of why i refuse to register as a democrat in kentucky


I find it interesting/disturbing that DEMOCRATS killed this bill. I thought Democrats want as many people to vote as possible. If a Republican killed this bill I would not have been surprised. Typically Republicans go well out of their way to disenfranchise as many people as possible. What is shocking is that A) a REPUBLICAN sponsored the bill, B) a REPUBLICAN listened to his real, average citizen, constituents, and C) he's going to bring the bill up next session. If Jimmy Higdon doesn't to too much wingnutty stuff, I may just exclude him from any Republican excoriating.

The Democrats need to stop worrying about outside influences (read: Republicans in independent clothing) monkeying with their primaries. Not only would Democrats in independent clothing be able to monkey with Republican primaries, the Kentucky Democratic Party does an excellent job of picking some truly epic candidates. And by epic, I mean some of the worst possible.

Since primaries are paid for by state tax dollars, can I request that my portion of state tax that fund them be refunded back to me because I am disenfranchised from picking who I can vote for in November? It is sickening that a minority of the electorate will select the candidate for the general. That's not democracy. And to those who say join a party, I say no. No way in hell I register as a Democrat in this state. They are clearly corporatists and the ones outside of Jefferson (and probably Fayette) County are this short of being Republicans. Plus the KDP is run by a bunch of good-ol-boy, backroom dealing provincialists led by someone who regularly gave to Republican candidates. If that is what it takes to be a Kentucky Democrat, you can take it and shove it up your rear ends.

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