keith olbermann got suspended by msnbc

for contributing to the campaigns of 3 democrats- jack conway, raul grijalva, and gabrielle griffords, and not reporting it beforehand. i don't have a problem with media people contributing to the campaigns of political candidates. i really don't. we all know where he stands politically. olbermann contributed the maximum, $2400, to each campaign. and that's okay. if glenn beck, sean hannity, bill orally, or anyone else like that did the same thing with one of their mouthbreathing candidates, i have no problem with that either. individual people have the right to express their opinions. hell, conservative radio host turned documentarian john ziegler donated money to liberal john yarmuth's campaign in the 2006 election and the two could not be further apart politically. naturally the right wing is turning cartwheels over the suspension. never mind that joe scarborough and pat buchanan have made political donations to candidates in the past with no repercussions. both are noted conservative republicans. and the guy who is in charge now also was in a position to suspend them when they made their contributions. yet another example of the meme which is being proven true everyday- It's OK If You're A Republican.

however corporations which donate a million dollars to the republicans and a front group that supports republican ideas, i got a problem with that.

the bs isn't that keith contributed and got suspended. the bs is that keith contributed to DEMOCRATIC candidates and got suspended when other members of the paid on air staff contributed to REPUBLICAN candidates and got off scott free.

i don't expect this suspension to last for very long. keith olbermann is the face of msnbc, and keith not being on the air for any time longer than 2 weeks is going to cause a significant problem for the network. maybe now is when we will see the return of david schuster whom we haven't seen hide or hare of for nearly a year now.

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