don’t vote republican

(from a post on the c-j's official forum under a different name. i can do that because no one reads this rag, so no one will know its me)

that's all that I can stands 'cause I can't stands no more

I am tired of the Repubilcan sycophants that try to use sleight of hand tactics to change the subject of issues. Stuff like gay rights and abortion and flag burning are all hot button issues that these demagouge Republicans are using to get away with the rescinding of the rights we as Americans have. Reguardless of what you say, there is no way a Republican can justify anything they do. Can someone tell me how two men getting married affects a current marraige? It seems to me that if two people reguardless of gender wish to dedicate their life to the other, more power to them. Want to protect the sanctity of marraige? Its very simple- make a constitutional ammendment to outlaw divorce. Half of all marraiges end in divorce, and unless a party in the divorce was actually a homosexual that had an affair with another person of the same gender, gays don't damage anyone's marraige of two heterosexual people. Although I am not a Christian (or Muslim or Jewish or any religion not that it really matters) but have had Christianity pounded in my head Sunday after Sunday for nearly 18 years, to deny the same rights of a married couple to two homosexuals is most decidedly UNChristian. What we need to do is to classify all state and federally recognized "marraiges" with all of the rights that come with it as "civil unions" and let the religion take care of recognizing "marraige". Jesus never talked about homosexuals. Never. Not once.

And if anyone is going to say that god did in the old testament, then we also need to stone our children for being disobediant (Deu 21:18-20), stone women (and only women) for not being a virgin when she gets married (Deu 22:13-21) or being engaged and being raped in a city (Deu 22:23-24), stop associating with menstuating women because they are unclean (Lev 15:19-30, 33), prohibit the physically handicapped from going to the alter because they would "profane it" (Lev 21:16-23) or allow any man with damage to their genitalia or illegitimate children including their tenth generation to go to church (Deu 23:1-2). But Jesus did say to hate your parents (Mat 10-34-36). Those are all directly our of the so-called holy Bible. I could go on. Anyone who wants to go by the rules in one testament has to go by everything that the Bible says. Picking and choosing what to follow because it suits your political or moral views is not allowed. You cannot claim to be Christian and claim to care about our fellow man while also hating on homosexuals and those who haven't had the best lot in life. And that's what this marraige distraction and fear of raising minimum wage, even raising it to coincide with the rate of inflation, is.

And about these murders that (these two forum repub demagouge north(r)up campaign plants) like to throw around, this 42,000 or so number of abortions that take place annually, when you compare 42,000 of the unborn to the thousands killed in United States sanctioned millitary conflicts (our own and those "we" are fighting), and those who die because they can't afford their medication, and those who die because they can't afford heating, and those who die later in life because they were uneducated or had no place to go after school other than the streets, I think that I can be quite confident in saying that 42,000 is peanuts compared to what Republicans champion in their actions instead of their words. You wish to stop these abortions? Teach our kids about safe sex practices. Abstinence is an answer, but it is not THE answer. Kids will experiment. By this administration's criminal in my opinion failure to teach teenagers about condoms and dams and birth control, etc. they allow for this type of thing to happen. And think, if you actually outlaw abortion, you actually increase the health problems for the mother. If a woman really wants an abortion, she's going to get one at any cost, especially to her own self. George Carlin said it best- to borrow his phrase, you don't see any of these rich white Republicans adopting black babies do you? It sounds like something christ might do.

Shame on these Republicans who want to have government interfere in our lives, shame on our congressional representatives in both houses who allow government interferance to happen and shame on the American idiots who are the accessories who allow the representatives to have government interfere in our lives.

And this is not a slam against Republicans. Its against Democrats as well. We need a viable third party in this country badly. The moderates need to abandon both sides and form a new Moderate party. I registered independant because I cannot in good conscience be a member in either major party. But I have always voted person instead of party, and I can tell you that in this race, and in future races, I will always vote against Anne North(r)up. Ever since I first heard her ads listening to the radio going to and coming home from school, I never heard what Anne did, but what her opponent does. Every one of her ads has been negative, even when that stuff isn't true, and she comes with the negative stuff first every cycle. And the local idiots buy it every two years. Enough is enough. Vote Anne out for a change in Washington. Vote Anne out so at least we don't have to listen to her smearing attack ads each even numbered November. And vote Anne out so we can have a representative that will, you know, actually DO something productive and constructive in town.

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