a horse is a horse is a horse is a horse

word is that barbaro, the horse that won the kentucky derby, may not be long for this world.

wait, that's too pc. i don't do pc. lemme rewrite that:

word is that barbaro, the horse that won the kentucky derby, may not be long for this world is gonna die.

that's better.

anyway, this is not news. or rather it shouldn't be news. ITS JUST A FUCKING HORSE PEOPLE. an animal. animals don't matter, not unless there is only one of that animal left. especially animals that are bred specifically for exploitation such as horse "racing". i'll bet that every day, there are dozens of horses that are killed because they suffered life threatening injuries in crashes every day at the track. and not a one of them makes national news, unless you're one of those peta wackjobs.

animals die every day. some even die from disease and infection. yes, i know it is a shock to the majority of you people, but its the truth.

and those people who spent wasted their time and money are even more losers than those who in some way would make a joke about this. or even those who feel some sort of connection with these derby winners. i'm not making a joke of this, i'm saying outright that i don't give a damn about barbaro. and i am confused and stupefied as to why anyone else other than his owners is making national news out of this.

i guess these are the same idiots who think of race horses as being "athletes". animals are not athletes. animals who cannot decide when they want to train, where they want to compete, or when to stop competing are not athletes. the jockeys are, the animal is not.

or these may be the same group of geniuses who got the federal government to ban horse slaughterhouses for human consumption, and feel that eating seattle slew or seabiscuit or secratariot is akin to committing mass genocide and treason all in the same fell swoop. if people want to eat horse let them. i'm probably not going to do it, but who am i to tell someone else not to.

either way, barbaro is gonna die, whether its later today, tomorrow or a decade from now and anyone who elevates this story from a sidebar buried in the sports section to front page, above the fold news (even in kentucky) is a loser of the worst sort.

i'll bet you that if the disgraced governor of the state (example 1, example 2 logins may be required) declares a day of rememberance when the horse dies, well, that's all you need to know about how fucked up things are in this state.

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