it’s the fourth. hooray (sense the sarcasm)

yeah, it's the fourth of july, america's independance day. the day when all americans are supposed to join hands and sing all sorts of patriotic music capped off by the star spangled banner, support the president (cause he's the president bagawd) and rally around the flag.

so why aren't i as proud to be an american as most would like me to be? could it be that those in congress are trying to make hot-button issues tickets to get re-elected, despite there being much bigger fish to fry? could it be that we have a war dragging on and on that will seemingly end when this current president's term ends, plus/minus a few months? could it be that the wacko religious right is trying to decide for me what i should be watching, reading, or listening to seemingly every day? could it be that the nsa is spying illegally (it don't matter what anyone else says, i'm no suspect in anything, therefore its illegal searching, a violation of my fourth amendment rights) in this so-called war on terror?

nah, it's because scott speed, the lone american in f1 got punted in turn one lap one of the usgp. yeah, that's it. :rolleyes:

i have concerns about my country, that the sheeple in washington aren't really fighting for the common person, but for power for themselves, as evidenced by the flag burning amendment debachle. i wrote a letter to the editor a few months to a year ago which didn't get printed, but it is still relevant to the issues today, which is kinda sad once you think about it:

I hear so-called patriots applaud the fact that the flag should be protected from meeting its untimely demise from a lit matchstick from citizens of this country. Never mind the fact that that flag essentially is nothing but a visible sentimental symbol of American ingenuity, pride and history, the fact that these people think that burning a piece of cloth (yes, the flag is just a piece of cloth. Most flags are made of similar flamable material) is un-American is both hilarious and scary. Where's McCarthy when we need him?

We should never care this much about visible symbols. We need to focus on the values instead; ingenuity, pride and history. There are much bigger things to worry about other than what some of the citizenry, expats, and other citizens of the world do to express their extreme displeasure of what this country has allowed its leaders to do worldwide. Burning the flag is as sacred to the American way of life as is being allowed to question our leaders when they deserve being questioned, and harms NO ONE. This country needs to get off the hot-issues-for-federal-constitution-amendments du jour kick that this president has started from around the start of his re-election campaign and start focusing on issues that matter, such as an energy crisis, healthcare, and this big ugly war that we are in. It is a very dangerous society to live in in which its leaders will cater to issues which sentiments may change in as little as an election cycle instead of focusing on issues that will be much more relevant when we are all long gone.

and before i go a few things; one brentjackson is an idiot. a close minded, hard headed, irrational, backwards thinking idiot who never admits he's wrong with an anger management issue. if you have been banned from multiple internet racing foraa, crapwagon especially, for the same basic issue, then something is not wrong with everyone else, something is wrong with you.

second, a quote from the remarkable mr. mark twain:

I support my country, always. I support my government, when it deserves it

third, as a followup to last month, congratulations to the carolina hurricanes in the southeast division of the nhl for stoning the edmonton oilers from canadada in the quest for lord stanley's cup. how did that taste canada? :p (that was a joke by the way. i love canada, i root for canada if they aren't playing the us in athletic competition. if i weren't american, i would like to be canadian). it took up until the conference finals before i got interested enough to watch the playoffs which is saying something because most didn't even watch the finals, which were pretty damn good too.

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