when sensitivity goes too far

this is offensive?

let it be known, I am someone who could be classified as being on the american political “left”. I agree with the political stances of bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. as such I have joined groups that support those kinds of politics. and in those groups are people who do not identify as either male or female or the gender assigned at birth who are transitioning to the other gender.

so while scrolling through my facebook feed I come across the above im age posted by other people of like politics. I see it. I think it’s hilarious as it shows yet another example of people, specifically those who don’t know nothin’, don’t want to know nothin’, hate other people who know somethin’, and are generally proud of their intentional ignorance, don’t realize that they aren’t going to win people to their side while making it easy to dismiss them through some very bad, very obvious spelling errors. as the image caption says, “please add spell check to the list of things covidiots don’t believe in.”

the key to this image is spell check. and the hand written sign makes the point clear. the person wants to know if the enforced covid-19 quarantine keeping people inside and non essential businesses closed as liberty or tyranny. or rather LIBETY or TRANNY.

see? damn morAn is so stupid that they can’t bother to spell the things that they claim to care about and the thing they think they are experiencing! what an idiot! look at the dumbasses and mock them for not being able to spell! HAHAHAHA!!!!

and in the groups I posted this in, that was the reaction I got. because of the context provided by the caption we are expecting a common misspelled word from a sign posted by ignorant people the focus was on looking for a word in a key position. in this case we get a bonus misspelling.d

except for some people that is. remember that this was posted in liberal groups, and in those groups they are populated with lots of marginalized people. and their reactions? “delete this”, “this is a slur”, “I don’t need to see being called a slur repeated in every group I post in”, and comments of that nature. someone even had the ridiculous comment of what if it was the n-word posted instead, how would it feel?

well I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you here since during the 12 hour period between when i posted this image and when I woke up, the image was removed and i was either shadow banned, muted, or outright banned from the groups I posted in (with zero warnings given by the way). I identify as american, not african american. I don’t use that word, period. not in conversations with friends, not with family. not with people with the same level of melanin in their skin or darker. but if I saw a picture with that word in it, the first thing I would consider is the context of the image. and if it’s a similar situation where some dumbass ignant conservative misspelled the n-word by using “niger”, “niggeer”, “nigere”, or other kinds of permutations, my reaction would be, “look at that ignant morAn! he’s such a stupid racist he can’t even spell ‘nigger’ correctly! what a limp dishrag! everyone go laugh at the idiot! HAHAHHAHAHA!”. just because a word is present doesn’t mean that it directed at me, people who look like me or quite frankly was ever intended. I’m not letting some person who is not worthy of obtaining my respect own any part of me or hurt me because they misspelled a word and posted their ignorance for all to see, and what they misspelled coincidentally happens to be considered a slur in some circles.

but instead, I got cancelled because of cancel culture. because someone got offended, even when context was provided. because some people have to be victims. now, I am sympathetic to people who have been beaten down physically and/or mentally. I know there is privilege in this world. I’ve benefited from it. I’ve suffered from it. but one thing that I hate is reading into an action, assuming an alternative meaning, and then claiming offense abusing their privilege. these people want to create a safe space hugbox. and those are the worst things to be in if you aren’t a part of the offended class. you don’t know what will set a person off. just about anything could do it with or without context, even if that context has nothing to do with them. cry “offense” and remove the thing that offended you and the person who brought it up, no appeal possible for the crime of offending someone. it’s no wonder some people just no longer contribute to small groups or society in general. better to be silent and not offend people than make a contribution that might offend a few people and deal with the fallout a small very vocal group of people cause.